Raw materials ordered from the faculty payphone
In the 1990s, Slovenia was bursting with a new entrepreneurial spirit. It also gripped the Mozetič family, who already had a specific idea. In 1993, full of youthful energy and passion, Alenka and Aleš embarked on the production of American doughnuts in Slovenia. With the support of their parents, they set themselves a clear vision of growth and development that went beyond the local artisan activity of managing a small bakery in Metlika. “It was a ‘guerrilla’ time, when we searched for raw materials using the payphone outside the Faculty of Economics,” remembers Alenka of the beginning, when she and her brother learned the business principle of ‘learning by doing’.
As the company continued to grow, it was important to raise its profile, and in 1999 the "Tvojih pet minut" brand was created. Only 11 years after its establishment, the company was given a Bronze Slovenian gazelle award in recognition of its rapid growth. Expansion into neighboring markets soon followed. As early as 2003, a plant was established in Croatia; five years later the company focused on the Serbian market; and in 2010 the markets of Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro followed. “In 2004 and 2005 we tried to penetrate the European Union market. Unfortunately, we found that this was impossible and so we again turned our attention to the south,” explains Alenka regarding the regional aspect of their market strategy. “Every company must define its own market. Our business is industrial bakery and we must achieve the same degree of industrialization as the global players,” explains Aleš. Thus, in April of this year, the company acquired the Pekarna Grosuplje business from Mercator.