Vivapen foto mankica kranjec

Vivapen d.o.o.

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With over 47 years of tradition, Vivapen has become globally-renowned for its good business relations and original ideas. In cooperation with major business partners worldwide, it exports approximately 90% of its output, includinq various types of pen, ancillaries and other stationery. Trom its base in Celje, Vivapen continues to develop and manufacture innovative products.

The company's humble beqinninqs date back to 1967, when Jože  Melanšek beqan plyinq his trade in the cellar of his birthplace in Žalec, where he later built a workshop and offices. The company's first customer was Galip from Šoštanj, who ordered a handle for part of a kitchen. Not long afterwards, an order for a watercolour receptacle from the customer Aero Celje, marked the beginning of more serious production. In 1975, Jože hired his first employee, who stayed with the company riqht up until two years aqo, only leavinq on retirement. At the end of the 70s, Jože's wife Vanda Melanšek began to pursue a similar craft interest, combining metal and plastic components. The 80s saw the company embracing

new technology, used in manufacturing ink cartridges for Aero; also their ultrasound ink cartridge welding technology was patented under the system of the former Yugoslavia. At that time, one of their most successful products was a technical drawinq ruler, which was their first export. As the local economy began its downslide towards the end of the 80s, the company focused its attention more closely on foreign markets.

Soon they became major suppliers of ink cartridges to a German customer.

“Whereas previously we had made six million ink cartridges to supply the whole of the local market, the German customer purchased as many as 20 million in a single year,” proudly points out Petra Melanšek, daughter of Jože and Vanda.

After Petra joined the company, exports were extended to other global markets. “At first we exported to Trance and Alqeria and this rapid growth and great success in the export market resulted in an Exceptional Industrial Achievements Award from the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce in 1994.”

At that time, 27 employees manufactured over 150 million ink cartridges for export and, as little as two years later, the output had increased to more than 220 million. This meant that the company had become the third largest manufacturer of ink cartridges in the world. The next step forward was the production of ink erasers, closely followed a year later by the purchase of machinery, from Herlitz, for the production of felt-tip pens.

“We were producing 43 million felt-tip pens for the German market and our headcount had risen to Q9. Our first self-produced fountain pen, “Spirit”, which was made using in-house tooling, was successfully sold to the Austrian company Brevillier-Urban, which marketed it under the “Jolly” brand, whilst in the Aldi and Hofer discount stores, this pen is sold under the trade name “Starter”. In the next few years we developed our own tools for the production of ball pens as the basis for the development of roller-ball pens. Development of technology for processing surfaces with plasma meant that the company was placed among the major producers  of pens with their own ink feeder system,” adds Petra, continuing by explaining the origin of the company name. “VIVA is a combination of: Viki, beinq the second name of founder Jože Melanšek and Vanda, his wife’s name. In 2002 the Company changed its name from Viva trade d.o.o. to Viva pisala d.o.o.”

2007- a pivotal year

Petra, who was strongly involved in the company’s development,  took the reins in 2007. To reflect its hiqh profile in foreiqn markets, it assumed a new name, VIVAPEN d.o.o., and marketing efforts have since been directed exclusively towards export. Today, 99% of total revenue is generated from foreign markets, including Germany and other EU countries, as well as the USA, South America, China, Taiwan and India. Only three years after she took over, and as a result of organisational chanqes, the company's exports exceeded five million Euro while the headcount had increased to 74. “Restructuring meant that automation of production became important. This resulted in siqnificant chanqes in production processes, which were reflected in increased revenue," proudly adds Petra, who was herself awarded the Exceptional Industrial Achievements Award by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce in 2012.

Energy and experience

“Hard work, quality, flexibility and innovation are the key elements which attract customers to forge partnerships with our company, thereby pursuing common development goals. We build good personal relationships with them, and years of dedication have resulted in good references," confidently adds Petra, who is today the head of the company, employing 85 staff. Her advice is to be fair, sincere and original, striving for further development and education, while putting your heart into everything you do. Petra is aware that among the most important factors are that new employees are inventive, eager to learn, ambitious, professional and willing to expand their knowledge and education further. This means that there are no age limits when hiring for our workforce.

“The fresh energy of youth and the experience of the more senior staff are excellent complements.” A company can only grow if employee relationships are fair and trusting and the workforce has job satisfaction, as this will ensure that it is productive and successful. “In 47 years of the company’s existence, employees have been regularly rewarded. Also, through a number of initiatives, we have endeavoured to provide a good working atmosphere. We organise free weekly Pilates exercise sessions for all employees, publish  a monthly on-line newsletter, hold a tombola and an employee of the month competition. Additionally, outings, visits to the theatre and ideas for awards all help to maintain positive working energy,” adds Petra.

Transfer to a younger generation

Although having a family business means you carry a large responsibility   on your shoulders, Petra is extremely proud to be a part of it. “I have great respect and love for my parents and it is important that I justify the trust they placed in me when they accepted me into the family business, and to somehow repay them for all the time and effort they invested in me,” says Petra, adding: “Entrepreneurship is not just about numbers. Work is our life and I have been a part of Viva since my birth, as has my son. The boundaries between private and business life have thus been somewhat eroded. Our Sunday lunch would not be the same without some discussion about the business, since all of us are involved. When you close your office door, the worries and concerns stay with you. Similarly, our working day does not finish after eiqht hours." Petra hopes with all her heart that one day she will be able to pass on her knowledge and experience to the next generation, her son Luka and her nephew Tomaž. “In a small way they are both already involved in the company in sharinq their ideas. Tomaž is already workinq, while Luka is currently a student and has some time before he needs to decide what he would like to do. However, it is they and they alone who must search their souls and see whether they have the will, desire and determination to continue the family business in the future. They can only be happy and successful in whatever they turn their hands to, providing that they love their work, as this is the only thing that can ensure the further development and qrowth of our firm."

Our vision

The company’s plans for the future are clear. Several years ago, Vivapen outlined its intended developments, focusing on offering increased value to its range of fountain and roller-ball pens, whilst increasing capacity across all products, with the aim of attracting new, demanding customers in an international environment. “A well-qualified workforce, innovation, new technological development, quality, penetration into new markets and care for the environment are the clear foundations of our business philosophy. Our wide experience, development and originality are our competitive advantaqes which the company intends to continue to nurture," reflects Petra Melanšek. “Fundamental objectives which are based on the company’s vision will be achieved with close cooperation and participation of all hiqhly-motivated and qualified employees. One has to maintain hiqh moral principles and a clear conscience, listening to constructive criticism and customer feedback, as well as to one’s own heart. First you need strong and solid foundations on which you can build and ultimately, reach for the stars,” points out Petra, as she is confident that her own personal motto best illustrates the vision she has for the future: “A thousand mile journey begins with a single step in the right direction!”


Vivapen in a nutshell: “We create for those who write.” “A family, innovative and development-oriented company.”

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