Picture of Petter Sjöberg

Petter Sjöberg

Senior Consultant, Consulting, EY Sweden

Senior Consultant working with clients in the Financial Services industry. Supports clients with business transformation projects.

Petter joined EY in Stockholm in 2020 and has since been involved in several projects at both banks and insurance companies in the Nordics. He specializes in supporting clients with large-scale business transformation projects.

Petter holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Uppsala University and a master's degree in International Business from Copenhagen Business School.

How Petter is building a better working world

Petter has used his knowledge and experience from the financial services industry to support clients with various transformational projects. The transformations undertaken by the clients have allowed them to better serve their customers' needs, thus increasing customer satisfaction. In addition, Petter has helped ensure clients identify and manage risks when transforming their businesses, and therefore avoid potential problems that may arise ahead of time. By embracing these ways of working, Petter has contributed to a better working world.

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