EY Joel Altschul
How to explain a complex and often technical matter in an understandable manner, so everyone understands. That is my area of expertise.

Joel Altschul

Leader of Forensic & Integrity Services in Sweden, Partner, Assurance, EY Sweden

Provides witness expert evidence on complex issues and the measurement of quantum. Focuses on helping clients and lawyers effectively navigate and resolve complex disputes.

Areas of focus Forensics
Office Stockholm, SE

Joel has worked in the forensic accounting and disputes arena for over 15 years. He is a member of FAR, which is the institute for the accountancy profession in Sweden. He is also and a Certified Fraud Examiner and a forensic professional, specializing in investigations and disputes services work. He has been working and living in Sweden and Switzerland.

Joel provides witness expert evidence on complex issues and the measurement of quantum in litigations, international arbitrations, and domestic arbitration tribunals.

He has been actively involved in matters including construction litigation and arbitration, shareholder disputes, transaction-related disputes, and disputes arising out of financial irregularities.

In addition, Joel has been involved in matters such as setting up and handling whistle-blower hotlines, forensic investigations, HR investigations, insurance preparation claims, and reporting results to various stakeholders, including audit committees and boards of directors.

How Joel is building a better working world

I am keen to fight injustice and have extensive experience to improve business ethics together with EY’s clients. I do this by working collaboratively with a diverse mix of people and teams within the EY organization. For me, this goes hand in hand with Building a Better Working World.

Contact Joel