EY Jennifer Rock Baley
We have more than 250 people auditing public companies, including listed companies, companies getting ready for an IPO and large family-owned companies. Our work creates trust and credibility.

Jennifer Rock-Baley

Partner and Center for Board Matters Leader, Assurance, EY Sweden

Assurance partner working with listed companies, IPO readiness and large family-owned companies.

Jennifer is Partner within Assurance. She works both with Forensic and integrity services and audit, mainly with clients in Advanced Manufacturing & Mobility and Government & Public Sector.

Jennifer works actively for gender equality in working life and has started the Women's Network at EY. She is also responsible for Center for Board Matters in Sweden - EY's recurring forum for the audit committees at Sweden's largest companies.

Jennifer has worked at EY since 2001 and has extensive experience from working abroad and from other audit firms.

How Jennifer is building a better working world

When doing audit and Forensic services, we ensure that funds are used in the right way and that the client’s business is reflected in a true and fair way. By doing this, we increase the transparency, trust and control that our resources are being used in the right way. Working with many international organizations, this becomes even more relevant and I see every day the societal benefits contributed by our services. I am also passionate about equality and diversity, and by constantly pursuing these types of questions, we are pushing the conversation in the right direction.

Contact Jennifer