IFRS reporting plays a critical role in capital markets. Audited financial statements, developed using a global framework, enhance investor confidence and support efficient flows of resources.

Mark S. Mahar

EY Americas IFRS Leader

Focused on investor protection and developing the next generation of caretakers that oversee capital markets. Can be found at the beach with wife and son in summer.

Mark has spent nearly 30 years supporting the capital markets as both a financial statements auditor and a securities regulator. Currently, he works with multiple regulators and sector participants to develop and promote the consistent application of globally accepted accounting practices.

Mark is a member of the IASB’s Interpretations Committee. 

Prior to joining EY, Mark was at the US Securities and Exchange Commission, where he worked with global securities regulators, investors and other stakeholders to enhance capital formation and efficient markets.

How Mark is building a better working world

Mark is passionate about the accounting profession’s role in maintaining efficient capital markets. He collaborates with regulators, standard setters and financial statements preparers and users to share perspectives and drive consistency and quality in the application of reporting standards. Equally enthusiastic about ensuring future generations of accountants are aware of and cherish the trust that enables our world to continue to innovate and grow, Mark coaches young professionals daily and advises faculty at Villanova University on a variety of matters impacting the profession.

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