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The biennial survey, now in its fifth edition, has evolved over the years, but always delves into the most current trends in the payroll landscape.
The 2021 edition of the EY Global Payroll Survey shows that organizations continue to deal with a multitude of challenges, both external and internal, to work towards achieving the payroll function of the future. The pandemic and external labor market trends have compounded these challenges, and Payroll function’s ability to manage risk and secure the talent they need.
Our survey results this year focus on three key themes:
- COVID-19 creates big challenges for payroll
- Data, compliance, and the Payroll function
- Optimizing your payroll operating model
The survey examined how organizations are addressing these trends through the lens of each payroll strategy component. Thanks to the participation of 181 respondents (with an average company size of 25,000 employees), the 2021 survey results provide robust insights on how companies can prepare for the payroll function of the future, effectively meet present strategic goals, and show workforce resilience in challenging times. As you review this survey report, you can compare your payroll operations with this data to spark the better questions that will drive further value in your organization.
A formal payroll strategy is critical
In the EY 2019 Global Payroll Survey results, more than one third of organizations did not have a formalized payroll strategy. Although that number decreased in 2021, it did not decrease significantly. EY regularly sees that organizations with formal payroll strategies have a more efficient payroll operation. Simply stated, organizations with formal and documented payroll strategies built a more efficient payroll operation than those without a formal policy. Strategy has always been a crucial piece of payroll operations, but the pandemic’s effect on the global workforce has magnified the need for this strategy. This is especially true with regards to talent retention challenges and the reporting of local jurisdictions.
A growing number of organizations are now working towards formalizing their strategy and have started investing in building a comprehensive payroll strategy − showing organizations recognize the importance of having effective payroll operations. 67% of organizations have a formalized payroll strategy in place as of 2021, up from 61% in 2019. For organizations to reduce risk, increase compliance and build a leading operational model, creating and documenting an organization-wide formal payroll strategy is essential.