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New features of primary financial statements
One of the key features of IFRS 18 is to require companies to classify all items of income and expenses into one of the five categories of operating, investing, financing, income taxes and discontinued operations. The first three categories are new; IFRS 18 provides specific guidance to assist preparers in identifying items to be classified in each respective category especially for companies with specified main business activities of investing in assets or providing finance to customers. The categories are complemented by the requirement to present subtotals and totals for “operating profit or loss,” “profit or loss before financing and income taxes” and “profit or loss”.
The new standard also provides that the aggregation and disaggregation of items of assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses and cash flows are based on shared characteristics. Companies are required to aggregate or disaggregate items to present line items in the primary financial statements to provide useful structured summaries. Furthermore, in the notes to the financial statements, companies are required to aggregate or disaggregate items to provide material information, but in doing so, must not obscure material information.
When IFRS 18 becomes effective, it is expected that the new guidance and requirements applicable to categories, subtotals and totals will enhance their comparability across companies. For example, operating profit or loss is a defined term under IFRS 18 applicable to all companies allowing users to better understand the performance of a company’s operations and compare operating profit or loss across companies.