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EY-Parthenon professionals can help your business design and provide transformative strategies for sustainable growth. Learn more.
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As CEO, how do you ensure your company is best placed to generate value with ecosystem business models? Over 90% of organizations with high-performing ecosystems take at least three of the following actions to source, build and manage their ecosystem relationships:
- Ensuring regular review at the C-suite or board level: when senior management and directors help to drive ecosystem strategy, there is clarity of purpose. (77% of high-performing ecosystems)
- Creating a function that tracks progress: when ecosystems are measured against dedicated KPIs, results improve. (76%)
- Creating a function that identifies potential partnerships: when experts oversee the makeup of an ecosystem, quality ticks up. (74%)
- Allowing ecosystems to operate as a distinct line of business: when ecosystems are given autonomy, they tend to deliver outsized results. (68%)
- Developing a dedicated ecosystem budget: when a company invests in ecosystems as a strategy, things get done in a timely and effective manner. (65%)
- Giving clear ownership to one person: when an ecosystem leader (Chief Ecosystem Officer) is hired, objectives are more likely to be met. (48%)