EY refers to the Global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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What are people thinking about?
In today’s unprecedented environment, we’re seeing emerging trends with widespread impact.
Working remotely can mean a new sense of isolation and challenging team dynamics. Studies show that remote workers can feel isolated and lonely, and this can impact physical and mental well-being, engagement and morale.
Additionally, “insider-outsider” dynamics may increase in a virtual environment. By human nature, we gravitate toward those who are like us. This may be amplified in times of stress and in a virtual environment in which some may already find interactions to be more difficult. This can negatively impact those who are already underrepresented on teams and may expand inequities.
Increased xenophobia is also on people’s minds, even if it’s not openly discussed. Xenophobia has risen globally in the past few years, with further escalations against the backdrop of COVID-19. The impact carries across a broad spectrum of people, including those in targeted groups, their wider communities and those who care about them.
What can you do?
We’ve identified several ways to amplify the positive impact of your leadership efforts:
1. Consistently role model inclusive behaviors and hold your leaders accountable to do the same.
Especially in virtual environments, consider if you have heard from everyone on the call, and if you have considered all team members for your project vs. the same select few.
2. Continue to keep diversity and inclusiveness (D&I) on your team’s agenda.
Visible, sustained commitment to D&I matters, especially now. Learn more about the EY D&I Culture Change Continuum (pdf)
3. Ask yourself and your teams: Preference, tradition or requirement (PTR)?
The EY PTR model can be used to challenge existing processes and ways of operating. This can help frame new decisions and raise appropriate challenges for better outcomes.