EY ifb REFRAME™ services

EY ifb REFRAMEᵀᴹ is our agile consulting approach to financial and management system analysis, design and optimization for banks, insurance companies and other organizations. Using REFRAMEᵀᴹ, we implement end-to-end solutions based on standardized best-practice procedures and IT tools, helping to achieve effective added value.

What EY can do for you

EY ifb Re-Engineering Finance and Risk with Accelerators and Methodologies for the Enterprise (REFRAMETM) is a detailed approach for the development and implementation of solutions for finance and risk management. Our framework analyses and structures of complex issues, delivering measurable results based on an integrated view of the organization. It is a standardized, yet highly flexible approach for board solutions, using leading-class practices to implement your goals.

It considers all relevant interfaces and embeds them optimally in the process and project landscape efficiently and without resource overheads.

Many consulting models promise efficiency leading-class practices, but often consist of one-dimensional schematic approaches. REFRAMETM is unique in its multidimensional approach consisting of three coordinated components:

Metamodel of the organization

Our metamodel of the organization provides us with a full overview of the architectural layers of your company like a blueprint. This helps enables us to see the effects of new requirements or projects in all relevant areas and include them in project planning and implementation from the outset.

A repository building set

The REFRAMETM repository is our building set – the "database" of EY professionals collected knowledge, experience and skills in the form of industrialized consulting modules. These building blocks define which procedures and combinations of measures best achieve the result in relation to each architectural layer and project phase.

Six-phase project management model

Our REFRAMETM model designs projects in six clearly defined phases that cover all aspects of changing and running the business. Five phases comprise the whole life cycle of comprehensive optimization and transformation processes. The sixth phase offers the option of effective managed services.

As a specialized management consultancy with around 400 consultants worldwide, we have a vast pool of professionals in the fields of finance and risk management, both in terms of specialist topics and cutting-edge IT solutions.

REFRAMETM  brings together decades of experience and the know-how of our consultants in industrialized best practice methods, models and IT tools to provide clients with an all-round technical and specialist view, helping them optimally manage or change their company. REFRAMETM  makes it possible to master even the most complex transformation projects in a results-oriented and transparent way.

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