Małgorzata Matusewicz
High-quality and credible corporate reporting is essential to build trust among stakeholders and steer companies towards more sustainable ways of doing business.

Małgorzata Matusewicz

EY Poland, Assurance, Partner

Małgorzata is a Partner in the Audit Department in the Warsaw office of EY.

IFRS expert and member of the EY Global Corporate Reporting network. Member of the EFRAG FR TEG. Polish chartered accountant, ACCA Fellow.

Małgorzata assists clients and EY auditors by providing consultations on complex issues around application and interpretation of reporting standards.

She also advises companies in various industries on all aspects related to corporate reporting including assessing the impact of complex transactions on financial statements, accounting analyses, transition to IFRS and reorganisation of reporting processes.

How does Małgorzata implement EY's mission: "building a better working world"?

"By engaging into dialogue with clients, standard setters, users and regulators, I contribute to high-quality corporate reporting, which is one of the cornerstones of stable financial markets."

Contact Małgorzata