International Taxes are becoming increasingly complicated, hence access to reliable information and decision-making support are of key importance.

Andrzej Broda

EY Poland, International Tax, Partner

Leader of the International Tax and MDR teams. Awarded the title of “The Best International Tax Advisor” in 2012, 2016 and 2017 by Gazeta Prawna.

Areas of focus

Andrzej’s competencies include among others: income taxes, MDR, taxation of international transactions and investments, taxation of financial instruments, transfer pricing, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, tax credits, tax policy and internal procedures, tax reviews and due diligence.

He provided tax consultancy services to multinational and Polish clients operating in various sectors such as energy, real estate and construction, mining, banking, debt collection, leases, PE funds, media companies, food processing, IT, heavy industry, hospitality, telecommunications, insurance (including tax reviews performed as part of an audit).

In addition to the experience acquired during his work for EY Poland, he also gained international experience as the founder and leader of the Polish Tax Desk in the EY London office.

How does Andrzej implement the EY “Building a better working world” mission? 

We develop people who are willing to cooperate and effectively support operations at an international level. 

Our latest thinking

Pillar Two - draft legislation published in Poland

Poland publishes draft legislation implementing global minimum tax (Pillar Two), with option to apply retroactively from 1 January 2024.

07 May 2024 Magdalena Zalech +3
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