5 minute read 14 Mar 2024
Neurodiversity Center Of Excellence at EY Poland

Neurodiversity Center Of Excellence at EY Poland

By EY Poland

Multidisciplinary professional services organization - Assurance, Consulting, Tax, Strategy & Transactions

5 minute read 14 Mar 2024

Based on previous years’ experience, EY Poland continues its dedication to the neurodiverse community by hiring additional staff for its Neurodiversity Center of Excellence.

With the support of the Polish organization, asperIT, a unique recruitment and onboarding process tailored to neurodiverse individuals has been implemented for the second time. Further, EY implemented training for all employees, with an emphasis on management, in effective communication with neurodiverse individuals. The second edition of this program has resulted in the hiring of eight additional employees, who have already begun work in new teams in Fincrime, Cybersecurity, Actuarial, and Assurance.

EY’s Global Experiences

Undeniably, leading market companies have discovered the benefits of neurodiversity in stimulating innovation growth. Despite this, nearly 85% of estimated 560 million neurodiverse people worldwide remain unemployed or can undertake additional tasks in the labor market [1].

To address this underserved talent pool, EY created the EY Neurodiversity Center of Excellence (EY NCoE), an innovation accelerator designed to provide new technology services in emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, automation, blockchain, data science, and cybersecurity. The first accelerator was launched in the United States in 2016, and by 2021, EY NCoE was expanded to Poland. With increased recognition of neurodiverse individuals' potential, it’s projected that there will be 22 EY NCoEs operating in ten countries by 2024.

Neurodiversity and the Labour Market

Neurodiversity is a term used to acknowledge the natural variations in human brain function. This term accounts for cognitive differences including autism spectrum disorders and ADHD. Though they may struggle with interpersonal communication, such as expressing feelings, maintaining conversations, and understanding nonverbal cues, neurodiverse individuals commonly excel in areas like analytical thinking, problem-solving, design, and creativity.

It is estimated that 20% of the global population is found within the neurodiverse spectrum. Considering the World Health Organization's statistics, there are about 400,000 people with autism in Poland [2]. However, their employment rate stands at just 2%, compared to the 10% average within the European Union. [3]

asperIT organization, working towards the professional activation of neurodiverse people, lists five key reasons to employ individuals on the autism spectrum.

  • Exceptional ability to process information, which can help find less apparent correlations in data sets or analyze large volumes of information;
    Above-average meticulousness and a sustained ability to focus for a lengthy periods;
  • Proficiency in performing repetitive tasks;
  • Loyalty, particularly when provided a conducive work environment;
  • Honesty and straightforwardness in communication. 
Diverse teams are better able to cover various areas of competence, thus responding more effectively to project, client, and business challenges.
Wojciech Stanaszek
EY Poland, Assurance, Senior Manager

Recruitment process of neurodiverse individuals and training at EY Poland

After successfully recruiting neurodiverse individuals for the Cybersecurity Team, EY Poland decided to continue with the EY Neurodiversity Center of Excellence program. For the next edition, new employees will be hired for several different EY teams whose work and projects align well with the needs and competencies of neurodiverse individuals.

EY Poland maintains its collaboration with the asperIT organization to better serve the needs of neurodiverse individuals. Together, they are tailoring recruitment, onboarding, and workspace creation to accommodate the unique needs of this population. The asperIT organization continues to provide training for EY's managerial staff, focusing on effective communication and optimal behavior in challenging situations. To maximize candidate comfort during recruitment, the standard process was supplemented with additional support. This included a tutor-assisted interview, an IT assessment, and social training to aid communication and relationship-building skills with neurodiverse individuals. Following recruitment, eight new employees joined EY. To facilitate a smooth transition, each new hire was paired with a 'buddy' to help them find their way around the new workplace.

Kamil showed me how to clock in, reserve a room, find the kitchen, locate HR and office supplies. Although I have autism and can solve complex problems, everyday tasks are sometimes a challenge. My buddy has greatly helped me.
Bartosz Biskupski
EY Poland, Risk Consulting, Analyst

Project Results

The second phase of engaging neurodiverse individuals at the Neurodiversity Center of Excellence in EY Poland concluded with excellent results. In total, nearly twenty people participated in the recruitment process, ultimately resulting in eight individuals gaining employment. The company appreciates the contribution of neurodiverse individuals, as their involvement has diversified the teams even further, enhancing communication skills, mindfulness, and empathy. Neurodiverse employees have brought unique skills to the organization, contributing significantly to both internal and external EY projects. They have been given the opportunity for professional growth, proving that neurodiverse individuals can indeed thrive in their chosen fields, and even become valued individuals in the labour market. Importantly, neurodiverse individuals have enriched the organizational culture of EY Poland, helping other employees understand and appreciate the diversity within their organization and use it to build a competitive edge in the market. Currently, eight people work at the Neurodiversity Center of Excellence in EY Poland, and following the recent recruitment, another four individuals are set to join the team in the coming months.


Based on previous years’ experience, EY Poland continues its dedication to the neurodiverse community by hiring additional staff for its Neurodiversity Center of Excellence. With the support of the Polish organization, asperIT, a unique recruitment and onboarding process tailored to neurodiverse individuals has been implemented for the second time.

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By EY Poland

Multidisciplinary professional services organization - Assurance, Consulting, Tax, Strategy & Transactions