Corporate Responsibility

EY Norway has a responsibility to ensure that we conduct our business in a sustainable manner; reduce emissions, take care of our people and ensure integrity and high quality in the services we deliver. In this way, we enable our employees to ‘Shape the future with confidence'.​

Contact us

Do you have any questions?
Reach out to Marita Hagerup Vogt.

Human Rights Due Diligence

EY Norway’s commitment to Universal Human Rights


The expertise of our employees and the high quality of our services can help build trust and confidence in the business community and capital markets. We safeguard the interests of society by delivering high-quality audits based on independence, integrity, objectivity, and professional skepticism. EY's approach to business ethics and integrity is enshrined in EY's Global Code of Conduct, our ethical guidelines, and is integrated into our culture, training programs, and internal communication. EY's CoC has clear principles that guide us in our actions and the way we conduct our business — and it applies to everyone at EY.​

EY strives to adhere to a high ethical standard, including the protection of human rights, upholding international labor standards, protecting the environment, and preventing corruption and bribery in all forms. We implement anti-corruption measures across EY, and partners and employees are committed to completing annual training. EY Norway is also committed to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) ten principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).​

Our expectations related to the environment, human rights, and social conditions also apply to our suppliers, who must confirm their compliance and standards according to our 'Supplier Code of Conduct'.​

Below are EY's annual reports documenting EY's business conduct: ​

Footsteps on the beach. Tropical climate.

Our latest thinking

How digital collaborations can help close the learning poverty gap

Digital tools and capabilities in the hands of teachers in low-income countries help to empower and support future leaders.

How to broaden access to future-focused skills

Programs, such as the EY Future Skills Workshops, can make vital knowledge more accessible to all. Learn more.

How can we empower the next generations to build a more sustainable future?

Corporations, educational institutions, and governments must be prepared to “green skill” tomorrow’s workforce. Learn more.

Five ways changing finance can finance sustainable change

Five to close vital gaps tin service of a diverse and thriving network of entrepreneurial climate innovators. Find out more.

How business and education can help Gen Z reframe the future

Gen Z participants in JA Worldwide programs expect business and education to work more closely together to better prepare them for the future. Learn more.

How to inspire the next generation of women in STEM

Using gamified learning and content from world-renowned providers, the EY STEM App opens up a world of possibilities for girls. Learn more.

How business and Gen Z can work together to tackle climate change

EY teams are facilitating life-long learning on climate change and connecting the voices of Gen Z with business. Discover more.