Chris Matthews

Partner, Financial Services Assurance, Ernst & Young LLP

Experienced Professional in financial accounting and reporting. Channel Islands Wealth & Asset Management Leader. Ultra-marathon running enthusiast. Passionate about family, traveling and golf.

Chris is an assurance partner based in Jersey, Ernst & Young LLP, focusing on wealth and asset management, particularly alternative funds and capital markets. He has over 30 years’ experience working in the Channel Islands, London and Sydney and his clients include numerous listed closed-ended investment companies including a FTSE 100 constituent.

Chris is the Head of IFRS Services and Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS) across the Channel Islands. He is also the Channel Islands' representative on the global wealth and asset management IFRS and EMEIA IFRS Centre of Excellence groups.

He is a regular public speaker on audit and accounting matters, and active in client training delivery in respect of accounting developments and GAAP conversions.

Chris earned a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Pharmacology from the University of Leeds and is a Fellow of the ICAEW, The Financial Services Institute of Australasia and a Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment.

How you are building a better working world

In 2020, Chris championed EY sponsorship of the first Jersey Pride in Sport Week, which was created in collaboration partnership with Liberate Jersey. The LGBTQ+ campaign sought to raise awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion across sport and physical activity for everyone in Jersey.

Chris's latest thinking

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