Liquidity in resolution: a missing piece in the framework
Speaking to the Eurofi Magazine, SRB Chair Dominique Laboureix stressed the importance liquidity and how central it is to successful crises management.
Banks depend on trust. If customers lack confidence that their funds will be available on demand, a spiraling liquidity crisis may develop. Such a crisis can potentially drive fire sales of assets to meet increasing liquidity demands, hampering the viability of the bank, the feasibility of resolution and possibly spreading panic across the banking sector and beyond.
Without adequate liquidity support, the failure of a bank may become a self-fulfilling prophecy as market actors seek to ensure that they will not be left in a bank run. This is why in recent cases, the liquidity provisions have been of a dramatic scale relative to the size of the failing entity’s balance sheet.
Importantly, developing an effective liquidity in resolution facility should also support the bank’s return to market funding by restoring confidence in its finances and business.
Liquidity can come from several authorities in the Banking Union. The SRB has now built up the Single Resolution Fund, which stands at almost EUR 80 billion, and its firepower could almost double if the revised European Stability Mechanism Treaty is ratified.
Dominique Laboureix stated that the SRB’s resolution toolkit is strong but must be backed by effective liquidity provisions.
The Euofi Magazine can be accessed through the following link.