Transfer Pricing and International Tax Survey 2019

Insights and analysis about the ways that profound change, transparency and controversy are reshaping a critical business function.

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Get the 2019 Transfer Pricing and International Tax Survey report in pdf format.

Since 1995, we’ve taken the pulse of global transfer pricing every few years by collecting and analyzing details on attitudes and experiences across a wide spectrum of taxpayers. For 2019, this includes over 700 responses from senior tax and transfer pricing executives representing the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Past surveys have identified key trends and their associated risks and opportunities.

For 2019, the survey results show degrees of change and transparency, already at high levels, are accelerating almost exponentially. As a result, executives are indicating that the pace of change is so great and the degree of expanded transparency is now so pronounced that a wave of tremendous tax controversy is imminent and, indeed, has already begun.

Explore the survey report

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