Global Incentives, Innovation and Location Services

The COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainty, global trade realignment and geopolitical disruption have created greater complexities for companies as they consider their global footprint, expanding in existing or new markets, development of new products or services and business transformation.

What EY can do for you

The integrated global approach EY teams can take help position organizations to make successful investment decisions through:

  • Selecting the right site(s)
  • Offsetting hiring and investment activities with government incentives
  • Aligning research and development (R&D) and innovation funding schemes for enhanced or new products and services
  • Identifying sustainability subsidies to assist in meeting societal and company climate change goals 

EY‘s Global Incentives, Innovation and Location Services (GIILS) team is well-positioned to help due to our breadth of knowledge, consistent global approach, diverse project experiences and relationships with global economic development and tax agencies.

Our integrated services 
Global location investment services

As companies review their investment plans, global real estate footprint, supply chain and potential new markets, EY teams can assist companies determine the right locations to position themselves for short-term- and long-term success through balancing financial, operational, tax and return-on-investment considerations.

Global discretionary incentives, tax credits and subsidies

When considering cost management and return-on-investment, a company should not limit its exploration of government incentives and subsidies assistance to solely greenfield expansions or new-market entry. EY teams can assist companies review their proposed capital expenditures, expansion of existing operations, routine capital investment, consolidation of operations and other investment plans to align government subsidies to human and capital costs. Aligning these government programs with a company’s business plans can drive significant operational, financial and tax savings.

Additionally, governments provide “as-of-right” statutory credits to companies meeting various eligibility requirements for activities such as capital investments, training, job creation, R&D, sustainability and other investments. EY teams have developed a process whereby we review a company’s information on a retroactive, current and future basis to identify and align available credit and exemption opportunities.

Innovation and R&D grants, credits, and incentives

One of the biggest challenges for an organization is creating innovative products, technology, and services to bring to the market. EY teams can provide your company with insights from the inception of an idea through commercialization of the end product by providing effective market insights as well as aligning your innovation and R&D projects to government funding at all relevant levels.    

Incentives and credits compliance

Compliance reporting is an integral part of all incentive agreements. EY teams have a wide range of innovative technology we can incorporate in order to work with companies to determine compliance needs for existing agreements and help realize incentive claims.

Sustainability and climate grants

Sustainability is an essential part of strategic business planning. EY teams are well-positioned to assist your company meet its sustainability goals and strategies on a global basis. EY teams provide a broad and detailed delivery model that can help your company secure tax and financial relief at the global, country, state, local and utility levels.

Economic Development Advisory Services

EY teams are positioned to assist governments and economic development agencies with strategic insights on a variety of perspectives related to the COVID-19 pandemic efforts, economic growth, economic development policies, benchmarking and foreign direct investment.

Worldwide R&D Incentives Reference Guide

The Worldwide R&D Incentives Reference Guide offers taxpayers the information necessary to identify and assist to leverage opportunities to benefit from available incentives, especially relevant if they are contemplating new or expanded investments in R&D, innovation and sustainability.

View on the rooftop solar power plant with mann walking and examining photovoltaic panels. Concept of alternative energy and its service

The team

Our latest thinking

How countries in the Americas are inviting business and driving growth

Across this diverse region, countries are offering incentives to attract businesses from a truly broad range of sectors. Learn more.

How Europe, India and Africa are incentivizing foreign investment

Three of the world’s most diverse regions are offering attractive business incentives – but capitalizing on them requires guidance.

How jurisdictions in Asia-Pacific invite businesses from around the world

Countries in the most diverse region on the planet are offering attractive incentives to business – but understanding how they differ is key.

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