
Securitization at EY is building a better working world by providing more confidence to investors on financial information related to the financial assets they invest in.

Our integrated and connected EY network allows us to always align the right team and to deliver Exceptional Client Service to all our clients from Luxembourg whatever the jurisdiction they are operating.

How EY can help

EY offers highly integrated securitisation services, which comprises professionals  providing assurance, advisory, risk management and strategy and transactions to  securitisation issuers, originators, sponsors, underwriters, investors and other market participants  in the structured finance and securitisation marketplace.

EY securitisation services are a key hub in the global EY network, where people and ideas come  together to develop thought leadership and insights for the benefit of clients.

EY Luxembourg Securitization

Our latest thinking

    Our events archive

    2023 February: Securitization market: Is the current economic environment leading to more growth and opportunities? Download

    2022 May: Verbriefung in Luxemburg - Update Markt and Regulatorik (DE) Download

    2022 February: Securitization: Regulatory and market updates: Main challenges for the Luxembourg market Download

    2021 February: Securitization in Luxembourg: Market and regulatory updates Download

    2020 February: Securitization in Luxembourg: Where do we stand? And next steps Download

    Additional resources

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