Rieko Muramoto Rieko Muramoto

EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ Asia-Pacific Class of 2021

Representative Director, Peace Tec Lab, Inc., Japan

Rieko Muramoto is the Representative Director of Peace Tec Lab, Inc., a company that provides consumer-to-consumer (C2C) and business-to-business (B2B) rental services for home appliances and travel goods through the online platform Alice Style.

By promoting the practice of lending and borrowing, Peace Tec Lab aims to provide a quality experience for people and businesses. Alice Style, which the company operates, currently has a set of products intended for working women and mothers. In future, the company aims to expand their product range to cater to the needs of families.

In her own way, Rieko predicted that in the 21st century, the maturity of consumer society would not exist. And so she wanted to break away from the society that followed mass consumption and mass disposal, and provide a service that enriched the consumer experience — founding Peace Tec Lab, Inc. in 2016. She then launched Alice Style, an online sharing platform.

Rieko graduated from the University of Tokyo. Prior to starting her business, she joined, and worked for, Jiji Press. She also worked as a professor at Senshu University. And while at Avex, she launched a mobile video distribution business and grew it into a business of JPY30b. She was named the "Woman of the Year 2021" by Nikkei WOMAN.

Peace Tec Lab has several achievements, including Judge's Award at the Venture Company Championship 2020 final and the Impact Award of the 1st Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Venture Awards (2020).

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