How Microsoft Power Platform can help address new BEPS 2.0 requirements

In this webcast, panelists discuss the role of technology, specifically Microsoft technology, in addressing new Pillar Two requirements.
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Jurisdictions across the world are either considering, proposing or legislating for new global minimum taxes (Pillar Two).

Over 150 data points are needed to calculate new liabilities and to fulfil compliance and reporting requirements. Data can be found in various sources, formats and owned by stakeholders across the business. A technology-enabled approach is a must-do, rather than a nice to have.

Questions being asked include: What data is required and is it readily accessible? Will my existing tax technology capabilities be sufficient and can my existing enterprise technology investments go further? 

Topics discussed include:

During the session, you will hear directly from a Tax Director at a multinational in the Power and Utilities sector, Microsoft and a mix of EY tax technology and policy professionals. Join us to hear about:

  • Global minimum taxes: direction of travel and what it means for businesses
  • Minimum taxes data challenge
  • Capabilities of Microsoft business applications ecosystem
  • Possible approaches using Microsoft including integration with SAP and other systems
  • How to get started


May 2023


CPE credits: None

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