Ecosystems: new business models for financial institutions

Financial services

Harness the power of digital ecosystems to make finance effortless and create value for all stakeholders. 

Organizations are using ecosystems to innovate at scale, transform their operations, challenge sector boundaries and serve end customers and stakeholders better.


Many of the new business models, propositions and experiences that digital ecosystems are delivering now and will deliver in the future – from mobility-as-a-service to personalized healthcare – are dependent on at least one financial component for their success.

We’re working with innovators and incumbents – from the finance industry and beyond – to harness the power of digital ecosystems in ways that make finance effortless. By doing this we’re making finance more accessible to everyone who needs it, more efficient and - therefore -  more profitable to the organizations that provide it.

Our latest thinking

    Are you part of a value chain, or the center of an ecosystem?

    Organizations are increasingly using ecosystems to innovate at scale, transform their operations, challenge sector boundaries, and serve end customers and stakeholders better. 

    By orchestrating the right technology, data, and relationships, we help businesses unlock the transformative power of ecosystems.


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