Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS)

EY has established a global group of experts called EY FAAS Team - Financial Accounting Advisory Services. These are professionals who support CFOs to implement the agenda of the future, to help companies build an effective and efficient finance function and help organizations in reviewing processes and operations aiming at continuous improvement. The goal is to offer tools and analysis to make the best business decisions, also thanks to the use of technologies such as data mining, A.I., data analytics, RPA, blockchain. 

In Italy our team is present with over 280 people in Milan, Brescia, Verona, Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Florence, Perugia, Ancona, Rome, and Naples. It has a multi-purpose staff with specialized skills in engineering, economics, computer science, strategy, and communication.

We carry out both consulting and assurance activities on reports for Italian and foreign Private Market clients, belonging to numerous business areas, in the public and private sectors.

Special Projects and Tools

EY Digital Factory

EY Digital Factory, just outside of Brescia, is the reference point for the digital transformation of enterprises of Private Market in Italy.

The factory is build in more than 1200 square meters devoted to programs of innovation and experiential training for companies.

Created with a team of over 30 industrial and technological partners, brings together all of the features of Digital Manufacturing into a single vision for participants of the fourth industrial revolution, through journeys in:

·        business innovation and improving processes and services;

·        development and application of the key enabling technologies of Industry 4.0;

·        experiential training on issues related to industrial innovation and to the business world, as well as to the general improvement of processes and potential uses of new technology.

The Digital Factory hosts three projects of experiential training, each of which represents a specific business model:

·        A “capital intensive” factory, represented by a highly automated production plant whose output is a pneumatic quick-connect coupling, where the critical issues are the long set-up times for the machinery, excessive stops for breakdowns, the efficacy of and time needed for quality control, and a constantly overstocked warehouse;

·        A “labour intensive” factory, based on assembly work whose output is a "bicycle" for children that is customized with accessories, where the inefficiencies consist in the overly long times for assembly and for worker training, in the waits due to shortages of materials, in the excessive times of internal movement, and finally in the ineffective quality control;

·        A "service intensive” business, comparable to the offices of a service company, represented by a sushi restaurant, which sees its main objective as providing good food but more especially as offering high quality service, and which has to deal with long waiting times, frequent mistakes in service, excessive movement of workers, and difficulty in reporting internally and to the central offices.

EY Digital Factory also features areas dedicated to collaborative robots, to the Internet of Things, and to prototyping with 3D printers. It gives a prominent place to cutting-edge technologies, technological start-ups and to the Obeya Room, a physical space where the project teams meet, work together, and share information with the support of new business methodologies based on the principles of Lean Office and Agile Project Management.

EY Digital Factory offers a model for digitalizing an entire company and for the use of the latest technologies, the pillars of which are:

·        technological integration

·        factory – office integration

·        overall efficiency

But at the heart of which are the skills and talent of the human resources.

How we can help you

More than
Offices in italy:
Milano, Brescia, Verona, Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Firenze, Perugia, Ancona, Roma e Napoli
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