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Worldwide Capital and Fixed Assets Guide 2024

Capital expenditures represent one of the largest items on a company’s balance sheet. This guide helps you to reference key tax factors needed to better understand the complex rules relating to tax relief on capital expenditure in 30 jurisdictions and territories.

The content is based on information current as of February 2024, unless otherwise indicated in the text of the chapter. The tax rules related to capital expenditures across the world are constantly being updated and refined. This guide is designed to provide an overview. To learn more or to discuss a particular situation, please contact one of the country representatives listed in the guide.

The Worldwide Capital and Fixed Assets Guide provides information on the regulations relating to fixed assets and depreciation in each jurisdiction. It includes sections on the types of tax depreciation, applicable depreciation rates, tax depreciation lives, qualifying and non-qualifying assets. It also includes availability of immediate deductions for repairs, depreciation and calculation methods, preferential and enhanced depreciation availability, accounting for disposals, how to submit a claim, and relief for intangible assets.

For the reader’s reference, the names and symbols of the foreign currencies that are mentioned in the guide are listed at the end of the publication.

This is the ninth publication of the Worldwide Capital and Fixed Assets Guide. For many years, the Worldwide Corporate Tax Guide has been published annually along with two companion guides on broad-based taxes: the Worldwide Personal Tax Guide and the Worldwide VAT, GST and Sales Tax Guide. In recent years, those three have been joined by additional tax guides on more specific topics, including the Worldwide Estate and Inheritance Tax Guide, the Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide, and the Worldwide R&D Incentives Reference Guide.

Each of the guides represents many hours of tax research. They are available for free online, along with timely Global Tax Alerts and other publications on ey.com.

You can also keep up with the latest updates at ey.com/GlobalTaxGuides.

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