The rapidly evolving risk landscape is offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation and creating new sources of competitive advantage.

Isnaeni Achdiat

Partner, Business Transformation Consulting, PT Ernst & Young Indonesia

Strategic & Innovative, Let’s Talk Digital and Social Activist.

Isnaeni has been with EY Indonesia for over 29 years. He currently a Partner in Consulting services. He had served clients in various sectors including Banking and Telecommunication. He is experienced in various Risk Advisory work but specializes in IT Governance/Effectiveness, Information Security and Management Information Systems (MIS) Advisory.

Isnaeni studied at University of Indonesia with a bachelor’s degree in Economics, majoring in Accounting. He received his master’s degree in Strategy and Finance from University of Indonesia.

He was also seconded and trained in TSRS practices in EY Australia and EY Singapore to enhance his expertise in IT Governance, Auditing and Advisory.

How Isnaeni is building a better working world

Isnaeni’s commitment to the development of IT governance practices in Indonesia is not limited only to his vast work in EY Indonesia. He also often speaks in university lectures, seminars and conferences that touches upon said topic. Isnaeni is also involved in contributing to the development of IT related guidance and regulations in several major government institutions. 

He is a National Executive Board at The Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI) for period 2019 – 2022 and also appointed by Minister of Finance of Republic of Indonesia as a Public Accountant Professional Committee (KPAP) for period 2019 – 2022.

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