To detect and respond the sophisticated cyber attack, perception of the fact that invasion can happen to some extent and application of forensic technology and cyber threat intelligence are essential.

Ichiro Sugiyama

EY Japan Forensics Technology Leader, Cyber Assurance Leader; Principal, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC

One of the pioneers in the early stage of digital forensic technology in Japan. Loves family and camping.

Ichiro serves as a Technology Team Leader for EY Japan and engages in cybercrime response such as cyber forensic investigation and digital forensics such as eDiscovery.

He has developed original education programs on digital forensics and has trained over 1,000 investigators of law enforcement agencies.

After graduation from School of Chemistry in Kanazawa University, he has learned several programming languages and continued his education in Forensics and Cyber Security.

Ichiro is a GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst and SANS Lethal Forensicator Coin Holder.

How Ichiro is building a better working world

“I would like to support EY clients’ execution of IT strategy through EY cyber-crime prevention, building CSIRT, effective incident response and cyber threat hunting services.
If the worst case happens and they suffer from cyber-attacks and cybercrime, I’d like to support their early detection of incident and implementation of necessary report, remediation, and recovery.

Through these activities, I would like to contribute to business development of EY clients by enhancing their resilience on cyber security.”

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