What EU Deforestation Regulation compliance readiness looks like

In this webcast, panelists discuss effective compliance and reporting readiness actions for EUDR, case studies and broader strategic considerations.
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With the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), the European Union (EU) aims to ensure certain products and commodities imported, traded within or exported from the EU have not led to deforestation or forest degradation, and have been produced in compliance with the legislation of the country of origin.

As of 30 December 2024, impacted businesses are required to provide due diligence statements verifying the ‘deforestation-free’ and legality status of commodities and products in scope. Products in scope are: cattle, beef and leather, cocoa beans, cocoa shells, cocoa mass, cocoa butter and chocolate; coffee, beans, husks; palm oil, nuts and seeds; rubber and rubber products; soybeans, bean flour and bean oil; wood, furniture, cellulose and paper (full list can be found in Annex I of the regulation).

Topics discussed include:

  • EUDR overview, data requirements, reporting obligations and timeline
  • Immediate steps for impacted businesses to take considering traceability challenges
  • Practical case studies on how businesses are preparing for EUDR
  • Strategic and operational considerations in the broader ESG regulatory context

A second webcast covered potential supply chain challenges and opportunities related to EUDR. Watch the replay here.


May 2024



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