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4. Use regulation as a prompt to innovate
The combination of more and more stringent rules in Europe and softening oversight in the US may create an unbalanced competitive playing field, with 61% of insurers cite evolving regulatory requirements as the top operational challenge for the year ahead. But firms that go beyond a minimalist, check-the-box approach may generate business value from their compliance programs.
Consider how the EU Financial Data Access (FiDA) legislation, slated to be enacted in 2025, paves the way for consent-based data sharing across pension, savings and nonlife insurance companies and products. That’s an invitation for firms seeking to expand their offerings. Similarly, the opportunity to participate in government pension schemes requires insurers to enhance their ability to share data securely and seamlessly. The Danish Compromise is reshaping the competitive landscape by creating new opportunities in bancassurance channels in Europe. Lastly, more detailed disclosure and reporting standards should prompt more automation and integration of data flows.