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How EY can Help
The EY Family Enterprise DNA Model pinpoints the key areas of focus for family enterprise leaders to achieve their personal and business ambitions.
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The retail sector has the largest representation with 20% of the featured companies that, together, contribute 26% of the aggregate revenues of the Index (US$.2.25t). Nearly half (49%) of the total revenue from the retail sector comes from US-based businesses, including Walmart. The sector employs 7.18 million people globally.
After retail, the most prominent sectors include consumer products (19%), advanced manufacturing (15%) and mobility (9%). The consumer sector, with combined revenues of US$1.5t and 4.4 million employees, is the second-largest sector in the Index by revenue.
The biggest contributor in both number of companies and revenue, in advanced manufacturing and mobility sectors, comes from Germany-based businesses. Sixteen advanced manufacturing companies contribute aggregate revenues of US$193b, while 14 mobility companies contribute US$669b.