Disruption to the tax profession is not coming from a tech start-up or an app, but rather from the tax authorities.

Albert Lee

EY Global Tax Technology and Transformation Leader and EY Asia-Pacific Tax Technology and Transformation Leader

Technology leader in the world of tax. Passionate about innovation.

Areas of focus

As EY Asia-Pacific Tax Technology and Transformation and Digital Tax Leader, Albert primarily serves financial services and high-tech companies.

He has nearly three decades of experience in international taxation, working both in the profession and industry, with a distinctive combination of tax, and process and technology skills.

With experience working in major global markets, leveraging proven methodologies, and having in-depth knowledge of tax technologies, he helps clients build sound reporting foundations, effective risk management protocols, and a higher-performing tax organization.

He has earned an MCom in Taxation from the University of New South Wales, Australia and an MTax in Law from the University of Sydney.

How Albert is building a better working world

“As businesses transform and tax authorities around the world become more digital, I help clients improve the way they do tax through innovative operating models incorporating enhanced processes, automation and tax data intelligence.”

Albert’s latest thinking

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