Press Release
09 Mar 2023 

EY Cyprus a Gold Sponsor at the 6th Annual Capital Link Cyprus Shipping Forum

EY Cyprus was, once again, a gold sponsor of the 6th Annual Capital Link Cyprus Shipping Forum, which was held at the Columbia Plaza, in Limassol, on Tuesday, March 7th 2023.

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The event, organised by Capital Link, under the auspices of the Shipping Deputy Minister and Maritime Cyprus, addressed the latest geopolitical, regulatory and financial trends and developments. It also highlighted the role and significance of Cyprus as a maritime and logistical hub. 

The event brought together high caliber international speakers and delegates, including ship owners, ship managers and executives, institutional investors, industry experts, commercial and investment bankers, risk advisors, private equity and venture capital firms, regulators, insurers, ship brokers and traders, as well as major local industry leaders.

Mr. Stavros Pantzaris, Chairman – EY Cyprus, moderated a panel discussion on the Shipowners’ Perspective – Navigating through industry transformation in a fast-changing world. The panel featured Mrs. Nicole Mylona, CEO – Transmed Shipping Co., Mr. John Michael Radziwill – CEO, C Transport Maritime (CMT) / GoodBulk, Mr. Andreas Hadjiyannis, CEO – Cyprus Sea Lines / Hellenic Tankers; President – Cyprus Union of Shipowners, Mr. Lars Barstad, CEO - Frontline and Mr. Polys Hajioannou, CEO – Safe Bulkers. 

Commenting on the event, Mr. Stavros Pantzaris said: “The Cypriot shipping industry has a bright future ahead, given its strategic location, skilled workforce, and modern infrastructure. Its well-proven adaptability will help it address upcoming challenges such as environmental sustainability, regulatory compliance, digital transformation, the growing need for efficient supply chain management and geopolitical uncertainty. By embracing innovation and collaboration, the industry can remain competitive, unlock its full potential and continue to thrive in a rapidly evolving global market."


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