Michael Christos G. Charalambides

CEO and Managing Director, EcommBX

Michael Christos G. Charalambides

In 2008, Michael started his career pursuing employment in the banking world, and this is where he finally found passion. Founding the first company of the group, with the owner in 2013, they surged out of Cyprus and grew into a pan-European company. In 2018 they successfully launched their own new “business Unicorn”: EcommBX!

Today, EcommBX is a direct participant in most of the banking transactions systems including SWIFT, SEPA, EU clearing houses, UK ACH and many more. It became a premium issuer of top tier payment scheme cards, an acquirer with a plethora of solutions, more than any local competitor in some cases. The company has been successful in developing a significant and skilful human capital, which is the cornerstone of its constant evolution.