EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can Help
Finance Data Management solution helps organizations drive data definitions, governance models through integration of a finance data office. Learn more.
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Implementing new technologies such as live data shares and self-service data product marketplaces
Two technology innovations proving particularly successful now are live data shares and self-service data product marketplaces, as referenced in the previous section.
Live data shares provide a new way of sharing data. Instead of it being extracted and transferred to another location, secured access is provided directly to the live data. This can provide a much-reduced total cost of ownership, accelerate the integration of data, and help provide more timely and up-to-date data.
Self-service data product marketplaces are online platforms that allow analysts, data scientists and other executives to access data products without needing to rely on IT or data teams, hence the self-service description. They offer access to products including data and analytics tools, and can bring benefits including lower costs, improved decision-making, and governance advantages.
For example, a portfolio manager might use a marketplace to access real-time data or financial models to analyze an investment opportunity, while a compliance officer might use it to obtain datasets or reporting tools.
Using a pilot project can pave the way
An effective and practical way to start transforming a company’s approach to data, and to begin enjoying the benefits is to select and implement a pilot use case. As well as providing tangible value in its own right, this can demonstrate what’s possible and help create the culture and understanding needed for wider transformation.
We find that ESG data is often a great area for a pilot in the wealth and asset management sector. It is frequently a major pain point across the financial services industry, and often involves regulatory requirements and the addressing of reputational risks.
However, for any pilot, it is essential to ensure the right approach, deliver clear value and communicate the benefits. A thoughtful approach and careful planning are vital.