EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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Key areas of change
The EU’s new AML Package introduces three critical changes for financial services organizations:
- Centralized supervision: Financial institutions, especially those considered high-risk, will now be subject to direct oversight from AMLA. This will add a layer of regulatory scrutiny beyond national regulators.
- Unified compliance standards: The AML/CFT rulebook will require firms to adopt consistent practices across the EU to improve cross-border compliance and enforcement.
- An EU-wide FIU, overseen by AMLA, that centralizes and strengthens the coordination of national FIUs.
The AML rulebook lays the regulatory groundwork for firms and should be viewed as the cornerstone in addressing the role of regulated entities in combating cross-border financial crime. The regulation not only expands the scope of obliged entities beyond previous directives but also introduces stricter requirements for customer due diligence, reporting, beneficial ownership, risk assessment and outsourcing.
While these changes provide detailed requirements and much needed clarity, firms will need to review their control frameworks to identify gaps, make design improvements and implement changes to help ensure compliance.
EU supervisory landscape
AMLA will directly supervise up to 40 key financial institutions and indirectly oversee others through national supervisors, promoting consistency and raising standards across the EU.
With the European Banking Authority (EBA) and AMLA enforcing this framework, financial institutions face a more stringent regulatory environment. Proactive assessment of current systems and processes is therefore crucial for compliance readiness.