Couple trkking in the Austrian Alps

Leading into Tomorrow

From health and education to justice and social services, the decisions made today will shape the post-pandemic world.

But what will that world look like, and how can the public sector embrace it? Join Oliver Jones as he gathers on-the-ground examples from senior EY, government and public sector leaders from around the world.

01 Episodes

Podcast Series

Presenters Oliver Jones


In this series

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(Event List - Manual)

Start small, act fast and think big to digitally transform government

In the first episode of Leading into Tomorrow, Chan Cheow Hoe, Government Chief Digital Technology Officer for Singapore, describes how he helped deliver a digital government with heart.

Episode 01

16m 54s


Oliver Jones

EY Global SaT Markets, Sustainability and Geostrategy Leader

Benjamin Chiang

EY Asean Government & Public Sector Leader; Technology Assurance Leader, Ernst & Young LLP