Press release

4 Jun. 2021 Halifax, CA

Atlantic entrepreneurs are harnessing innovation to bring new concepts to market

Finalists announced for EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2021 Atlantic program

Press contact
Victoria McQueen

EY Canada Team Lead, Public Relations

Leading the development and distribution of external communications across Canada. Can be found by the lake in the summer and on the slopes in the winter.

Finalists announced for EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2021 Atlantic program

Each year, EY recognizes unstoppable entrepreneurs across the country that are transforming our world through unbounded innovation, growth and prosperity. Today, judges named 13 businesses as finalists in the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2021 Atlantic program. 

“I am blown away by the resilience and agility shown by this year’s finalists,” says Gina Kinsman, EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Atlantic Program Co-Director. “Even amid today’s challenging business environment, they’ve seized new opportunities to cut through the noise and accelerate growth, while remaining committed to creating long-term value that benefits their employees, stakeholders and broader communities.”

Consistent with the findings from the EY Global Capital Confidence Barometer, new vulnerabilities and unforeseen challenges brought on by the pandemic do not appear to be slowing these entrepreneurs down. Atlantic finalists are a true representation of how dynamic the market is — with some players emerging in new industries, others evolving mature industries and some diversifying current business models to withstand tough market pressures.

“There’s a strong showing from the technology sector in this year’s group of finalists,” says Steve McLaughlin, EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Atlantic Program Co-Director. “There is no better time to address change with transformative innovation. Whether a technology company, or digitally enabled, finalists are transforming their businesses to increase efficiency, secure new opportunities and deliver new and enhanced products or services to the market.”

View the full list of EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2021 Atlantic finalists

What’s next?

The independent panel of judges will select regional winners who will be announced in July. The winners will move forward to compete with winners from the Pacific, Prairies, Ontario and Québec regions at the national awards celebration in November 2021, where 10 national winners will be named, including Canada’s EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2021 Award winner. The overall Canadian winner will go on to compete with national winners from across the globe for the title of EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year in June 2022.

More information

Follow @EYCanada, #EOYCanada and #EOYAtlantic on Twitter for the latest program updates. Visit for more program details.

About EY Entrepreneur Of The Year®

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® is the world’s most prestigious business awards program for unstoppable entrepreneurs. These visionary leaders deliver innovation, growth and prosperity that transform our world. The program engages entrepreneurs with insights and experiences that foster growth. It connects them with their peers to strengthen entrepreneurship around the world. EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the first and only truly global awards program of its kind. It celebrates entrepreneurs through regional and national awards programs in more than 145 cities in over 60 countries. Winners go on to compete for the EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year title.

The 2021 Atlantic independent judging panel consists of Andrea Feunekes, CEO & Co-founder of Remsoft; Anne Whelan, CEO of Seafair Capital Inc.; Kent Scales, CEO of Scales Group of Companies; Kim Keating, COO of Cahill Group; Laurie MacKeigan, President of Backman Vidcomm; and Robyn Eddy, former President of Eddy Group Ltd.

This year's program national sponsor is TSX Inc.

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This news release has been issued by Ernst & Young LLP.