When financial services organizations are compliant with their GDPR requirements, it builds trust with their customers and paves the way for a better business environment.

Donatella Laudati

Partner, Technology Consulting, EY Advisory S.p.A.

Excellent knowledge and understanding of GDPR and third-party risk management. Vast experience in banking and insurance sectors. Loves skiing and swimming. Fan of “less is more” quote.

Donatella is the Consulting leader at EY with more than two decades of experience in general data protection regulation practice for financial services institutions. She has vast hands-on experience in handling information security and IT transformation projects.

She joined the EY organization in 2012 and has been actively engaged in developing solutions for her clients in the areas of privacy, data governance, information security governance and third-party risk management.

She earned a Business Administration degree from the Bocconi University in Milan (Italy).

How Donatella is building a better working world

“I help financial services institutions to understand and navigate their GDPR compliance. As FS organizations embrace digital technologies, they make much greater use of data than ever before. With a robust data protection system in place, my clients feel more confident to serve their customers much better.”

Donatella’s latest thinking

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