bg tax and legal annual update seminar

Tax and legal annual update seminar

Dear Clients and Partners,

We are pleased to invite you to our Annual Tax and Legal seminar, presenting the novelties in the tax and legal areas.

Related topics
  • Changes in taxes - VAT, personal and corporate taxation, transfer pricing, case law

  • Taxation trends - with interesting guest panelists

  • The impact of the COVID crisis on financial reporting, taxes, working conditions and employee mobility

  • Brexit

  • The reform of e-commerce taxation

  • The new DTT with the Netherlands

  • Whistleblowing Directive

  • Obligations to disclose tax schemes

  • Other current topics

    This year we will broadcast our event online and present our topics during two sessions, which will take place on 9 and 10 December 2020 from 14.00 to 17.30 on the Webex platform. This year the event will be free as a gesture to our partners.

    Each registered participant will receive an email with instructions for joining the platform. We expect more changes, so we will send a detailed program a few days in advance.



    your local time

    If you have any questions prior to the webinar, do not hesitate to address them at