Euro Introduction

Euro introduction in Bulgaria. Have you thought about how to prepare?

Learn how EY is helping companies in Bulgaria with the forthcoming transition

As you know, Bulgaria has established a clear route towards joining the Eurozone and has pledged to embrace the Euro as its official currency once it fulfills all the required Maastricht criteria.

Bulgaria is currently in the last phase of the process before the introduction of Euro. Although the official decision on the date of implementation has not yet been made, the current target is to enter the Eurozone by 1 January 2025.

To avoid disruptions and potential errors, it is essential that all businesses begin adjusting their systems and procedures in a timely manner, as the introduction of a new currency will impact various aspects of their operations, including but not limited to pricing, accounting, reporting compliance, customer relations, invoicing, payment processes and other.

To help our clients prepare for the Euro adoption, EY organizes dedicated workshops during which our professionals from EY Croatia and EY Bulgaria share their insights and practical experience with respect to regulatory compliance including tax, reporting, maintaining business books etc.

Should you wish to organize a special workshop on Euro adoption preparation dedicated to your company only, please make sure you check the attached Euro adoption 1-page presentation and contact us!


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