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How EY can Help
How will subsidies boost your business? We support companies, governments and organizations in obtaining, managing and following up successful subsidy applications.
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Step 3: Translating your innovation projects into successful project applications
Even if you have a clear view on your envisaged innovation objectives and the concrete activities that lead towards these goals, starting to write and compose your project is not always straightforward. The reasons for this can vary. It inevitably requires time to become familiar with the different templates and guidelines concerning the application as well as the different annexes (project budget, company structure and financials, climate plan, …). Some people struggle to find the right level of detail and provide all the required information within the imposed page or character limits. Others find it difficult to know which aspects of the project they should highlight to make it stand out. If the project is a bit more complex (cross-department or cross-domain) or involves more project partners, it becomes more challenging to put together all the required information and explain the role of each stakeholder in the broader picture in a consistent way.
Always keep in mind that the evaluator - who is typically not an expert in your domain – must be able to read and understand the project. Therefore it is essential to understand your project’s strengths in the light of the evaluation criteria and make sure these are highlighted in your written proposal. The evaluation process may also involve an oral interaction with the funding authorities or a jury. Knowing upfront what you could expect from such an interview may give you the well-needed confidence to present your project successfully.