EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can Help
The EY forecasting and scenario planning team can help optimize your business to rapidly make strategic, operational and portfolio decisions.
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How is my business structured?
More than ever, data goes directly to the backbone of the business: which four, five buttons determine 80 percent of the story and which buttons should absolutely not be pushed? You have to ask questions about what you're good at and what you're not, what you should invest in and what you shouldn't, where your opportunities lie in this environment, ... For companies, a scenario analysis is always an eye opener to contradict or reinforce gut feelings, but also to make connections clear and enrich policy.
Data supports decisions and the decision-making process in the organization. A thorough data analysis will always trump a gut feeling, also towards investors and shareholders. For example, the visibility in a company’s supply chain will allow them to assess risks better, especially in this disruptive world. Many choose to source raw materials closer to home again instead of putting everything on a ship from China. Knowing where commodities come from is important for creating the right risk profiles. Nowadays you can draw up a risk profile of your entire network.
The importance of transparency
Take the example of coffee beans. Big players want to know which plant each bean comes from. Is there deforestation behind the planting? As sustainability is an additional driver these days, you want to be able to prove that the consumer's cup of coffee also benefits the coffee farmer's local community and is not an environmental attack. Europe is a pioneer in this and writes legislation to that effect. Therefore you also need that visibility and transparency to be able to continue to produce. That's a great example of an opportunity.
What exactly is scenario analysis?
Breaking down the company to its smallest building blocks to understand which factors are the most important for to the business and how they will evolve is crucial in scenario planning. Crystal balls are mythical and magical things, instead it’s necessary to consult with all stakeholders and all departments in the company about the most plausible scenarios: detecting and quantifying to understand which elements need to be followed up on.
And when a certain path is chosen, it is important to consciously act on it. It's about consistently continuing to monitor what's happening around you. So you have to stay focused and responsive. It's not choosing the extreme options, it's choosing the most likely path.
Distribution monitoring
This permanent monitoring is very important, especially for distribution networks. Take sports shoes for example: How do my products get to my customers and where should I then plant my production centers and warehouses? Such exercises used to be done roughly every five years. Nowadays, you have to bring in one or two employees full-time to optimize even within the existing model. How can you reduce transport costs, with which means of transport? That is an ongoing process. If your distribution center is in our country, you can't deliver to, say, Spain within 24 hours.