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Our family office professionals can help you evaluate best practices of leading family offices to support the family’s vision and legacy. Find out more.
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Anticipating problems
This is what distinguishes family businesses, confirms Haspeslagh. “Positive aspects include the commitment of family members, a clear long-term perspective, and a stable personal relationship with employees and customers. However, sharp emotions and family discord can lead to shareholders holding different views. Moreover, as generations pass, decisions may slow down, and there may be a reluctance to question things fundamentally.”
This is why it’s important to have sound governance both in the company and in the family. There’s more focus on this now than ten years ago, De Ridder notes, though there’s still a long way to go sometimes. “The best in class are those who anticipate potential issues. For example, they bring in competent external directors in time.”
However, she makes an important note about the increased attention to family governance. “We often see that the patriarch thinks education is good for the next generation but not necessary for the now generation. Whereas, for that family group, it's at least as interesting and relevant. Additionally, evaluating the functioning of the current board of directors can be very useful, but I notice reluctance there.”
The next generation may be eager and have grand plans, but what if the generation currently in charge refuses to step aside? “There are many successors who have to live in a kind of Prince Charles situation for a long time,” observes Haspeslagh. "Fortunately, there are also wise business leaders who can step aside.”