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In addition to a strong board of directors and rock-solid management, Cartamundi has another important asset: its employees.
Frederic de Somer: “Absolutely! Cartamundi started in 1970 with 0 employees. Today we are 3,000 ‘Cartamundians’ worldwide, all with entrepreneurship in their genes. We are a company that gives everyone opportunities, and that makes the difference: not only for top management, but also for middle management and employees on the shop floor.
To foster continued team engagement and spirit, we rolled out a ‘One Group, One Team’ programme through the executive committee. Our current CEO, Stefaan Merckx, too has directed and given further shape to this programme right from day one of his appointment. The aim is for all divisions and countries around the world to come together as ‘One Group, One Team’ and share that buzz.”
Cartamundi is in full transition with the digitalisation of the game world. It has also seized a number of opportunities during the pandemic, despite the many limitations. Can you explain this a bit?
Frederic de Somer: “Corona is not the first crisis we’ve been through. We’ve had other difficult years in our history, where we’ve had to pull out all the stops to get back on top. We owe this success to our 50/50 governance model, combined with a strong top management team and the strength and perseverance of all our employees. In this way we’ve been able to overcome each crisis pretty quickly. This also applies to the recent pandemic, where, for example, we were able to switch quickly to producing high-quality mouth masks via Medimundi, a consortium in which we have operational leadership. We felt we owed it to society to do our bit for public health.
Even during the pandemic, we found that our physical game products continued to perform well, despite the rise of digital. In fact, demand has increased. This indicates that people need to be together and play together: ‘Sharing the Magic of Playing Together’, to say it in the words of our purpose. Moreover, forecasts show that while games are on the rise, physical games too continue to grow in popularity.”