Katrin Hohensinner-Häupl

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2023, Austria
CEO of Frutura

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Katrin Hohensinner-Häupl is cultivating a sustainable approach to farming and distribution. 

As the second-generation CEO of Frutura, Katrin Hohensinner-Häupl is focused on growing fresh fruits and vegetables year-round in a climate-friendly, resource-saving way that respects nature’s cycle. The company is Austria’s leading fruit and vegetable seller and one of its largest vegetable producers.

Katrin grew up in the family business. After exploring the world, she returned to the company in 2013 and worked in various areas. She moved into management in 2016 and is responsible for purchasing, finance, human resources, production, logistics, IT and technology. Today, Katrin fosters a culture of innovation that embraces digitalization while paving the way for new approaches and technologies.

Frutura has been using thermal water from 3,500 meters below ground as an energy source since 2016. It is pumped to the surface at 125 degrees Celsius before irrigating 26 hectares of glasshouses and tunnels, where up to 9,000 tons of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants and radishes grow each year in cozy warmth. The water is then cooled and pumped back down; not a drop of water is lost throughout the process.

As a leader, Katrin’s strengths lie in her quick understanding of complex ideas, structured approach to her work, level-headedness, confident decision-making and a focus on the big picture. She strives to be an empathetic manager who is true to her word and down-to-earth, while communicating openly with employees and stakeholders. 

Believe in yourself, believe in your idea and work hard!