Continuing developments on BEPS 2.0 in the new economic environment

In this webcast, panelists will provide an update on the BEPS 2.0 project and current DST developments.
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Work on the OECD’s project on addressing the tax challenges of the digital economy (or BEPS 2.0) is progressing from home offices and through virtual meetings, and participating countries are continuing to aim for agreement on solutions under Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 by the end of 2020.  At the same time, unilateral action on new or expanded digital services taxes (DSTs) around the world also is continuing.  With updated technical papers on both pillars expected this summer, the next milestone for the OECD the upcoming Inclusive Framework session in early October and G20 meetings shortly thereafter, this webcast will focus on the current developments with respect to the BEPS 2.0 project and current country actions with respect to DSTs and will look at how the global health crisis and economic downturn is affecting country activity in both areas.

The panelists will address:

  • The latest developments on BEPS 2.0 and OECD plans going forward
  • Country activity implementing new and expanded DSTs
  • Country perspectives on BEPS 2.0 and DSTs in light of the new economic environment
  • What these developments mean for businesses


May 2020


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