Dunraven Finance Limited

Dunraven Finance Limited (formerly trading as Buy As You View) (formerly in Administration) (‘the Company’)

On 31 August 2017 the Company entered Administration, with J M O’Connor and D C Hurd appointed to act as Joint Administrators. Subsequently, J M O’Connor was replaced as a Joint Administrator by A M Hudson. The appointment was made by the Company’s Director under the provisions of Paragraph 22(2) of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986.

Please note that the Joint Administrators have completed their duties and received their discharge of liability. In this regard, the Administration ended on 21 May 2021, with the Company being formally dissolved on 26 August 2021. Queries specifically relating to the Administration should be emailed to Michael Thalassitis (mthalassitis@parthenon.ey.com) and the general creditor share mailbox (dunravencreditors@uk.ey.com).

Important notice to customers

The Company ceased collections activities on 3 June 2019. Please see the FAQ document.

The Company has contacted all customers who are affected by redress. Please see the FAQ document

Proof of debt

Any creditor who wishes to submit a Proof of Debt form to the Administrator can download a form here.

Important notice to creditors

Neither the Joint Administrators nor their staff will ever ask you for an upfront payment in return for payment of your debt. We will not ask you to provide your bank details over the telephone. Please be vigilant if you receive a letter or email purporting to be from us from an address that you do not recognise, or a telephone call asking you to pay money or provide bank or credit card information.

D C Hurd is licensed in the United Kingdom to act as an insolvency practitioner by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. A M Hudson is licensed in the United Kingdom to act as an insolvency practitioner by the Insolvency Practitioners Association. As Insolvency Practitioners, they are bound by the Insolvency Code of Ethics in carrying out all professional work relating to the appointment.
The Joint Administrators may act as data controllers of personal data as defined by the UK General Data Protection Regulation (as incorporated in the Data Protection Act 2018), depending upon the specific processing activities undertaken. Ernst & Young LLP and/or the Company may act as a data processor on the instructions of the Joint Administrators. Personal data will be kept secure and processed only for matters relating to the Joint Administrator’s appointment. The Office Holder Data Privacy Notice can be found at  www.ey.com/uk/officeholderprivacy.

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