HI-Doing Business in Viet Nam 2024 - 1

Doing Business in Viet Nam 2024

We are pleased to release the publication "Doing Business in Viet Nam 2024", an essential guide for navigating the investment landscape of Viet Nam - one of Southeast Asia's most vibrant economies.

The Guidebook arrives at a time when Viet Nam is experiencing a remarkable inflow of foreign investment, ranking among the top in the ASEAN region for attracting significant capital.

Viet Nam's emergence as a preferred investment destination is the result of its ongoing economic reforms, active participation in key trade agreements, and a steadfast commitment to sustainability. The Government's dedication to green initiatives and a low-carbon economy is evident in policies such as the National Power Development Plan, which prioritizes renewable energy.

With the adoption of international tax rules like the Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT) and Income Inclusion Rule (IIR), effective from 1 January 2024, Viet Nam is at the forefront of global economic integration. These policy breakthroughs are designed to attract high-quality FDI, focusing on high-tech industries, Research & Development (R&D), and renewable energy, in line with the country's sustainable development goals.

"Doing Business in Viet Nam 2024", collaboratively produced by Ernst & Young Viet Nam Limited and the Foreign Investment Agency - Ministry of Planning and Investment of Viet Nam, is your essential guide to navigating this vibrant investment landscape, providing up-to-date insights as of 6 May 2024.

The Guidebook offers a broad range of information, including:

  • Investment protection details and investment incentives
  • A look at the different forms of foreign direct investment
  • Procedures for initiating investment projects and establishing companies in Vietnam
  • A detailed country profile with macroeconomic indices and strategic advantages
  • Insights into Vietnam's foreign investment strategy and environmental commitments at international forums like COP26 and COP28
  • Developments in intellectual property, land, housing, and the critical role of digital transformation
  • Expertise on accounting, taxation, customs, human resources, and employment regulations
  • Information on the Viet Nam National Innovation Center and essential contacts for further assistance

We trust that this Guidebook will be an invaluable resource for investors looking to explore the wealth of opportunities in Vietnam's thriving economy.