
Our tax professionals offer services across all tax disciplines to help you thrive in this era of rapid change.

Our globally coordinated tax professionals offer connected services across all tax disciplines to help you thrive in an era of rapid change. We combine our exceptional knowledge and experience with the people and technology platforms that make us an ideal partner for your tax-related needs.

EY has competencies in business tax, international tax, transaction tax and tax-related issues associated with people, compliance and reporting and law. We invite you to leverage our experience, knowledge and business insights to help you succeed.


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Worldwide Corporate Tax Guide 2022

EY Worldwide Corporate Tax Guide outlines corporate tax systems in 160 jurisdictions to help businesses navigate the changing tax landscape as governments around the world continue to reform their tax codes, especially if they are contemplating new markets.

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Doing Business in Vietnam 2022

A reference guide about the fundamentals of investing in Vietnam, highlighting typical and updated regulations that investors should be aware of when operating in the country.

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Tax and law guides

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