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Sustainability Realized: EY Asean Sustainability Summit 2022

We discuss how businesses can hone sustainable strategies to protect and create value.

Sustainability is one of the defining challenges of our lifetime, but it is also the innovation opportunity of a generation to create long-term value for all stakeholders – we call this value-led sustainability. Over the next decade, we must build more sustainable economies and communities, and the infrastructure to support them. Business leaders, investors and governments must work more closely together, supporting the visionaries who think big and move fast, because sustainability is everybody’s business. It’s time to make business create value for sustainability and sustainability create value for business. 

Join us at the inaugural EY Asean Sustainability Summit where we will discuss how businesses can hone sustainable strategies to protect and create value while increasing their positive impact on the environment, society and the economy.


EY Singapore, By-invite only,

EY Singapore, Singapore, 048583, SG



your local time

                                               Day 1 (5 July 2022)




Opening address


Setting the scene 


Panel: Charting the way forward in the decarbonization journey 





Track 1: Pathway to net zero

Track 2: Leveraging sustainable finance

Track 3: Developing sustainable supply chains




EY Convene: sharing back insights


Closing remarks

                  Day 2 (6 July 2022)




Panel: The role of financial institutions in driving decarbonization


Fireside chat: Role of financial institutions in driving the decarbonization journey to net zero


Transition to breakouts


Track 1: Exploring opportunities in green finance
Track 2: Building trust in responsible investment
Track 3: Advancing the net-zero strategy through innovation and risk management
Track 4: Fueling the energy transition




EY Convene: sharing back insights


Leadership dialogue: EY net zero journey


Closing remarks

Event highlights

Day 1 (5 July 2022)

Plenary: Charting the way forward in the decarbonization journey

Companies have made ambitious pledges and set ambitious targets for sustainability, but they must now clearly set out what their path to net zero looks like. What will it take for businesses to achieve net zero? What are the practical strategies and approaches they can apply across their value chain, including leveraging sustainable financing options, to enable them to cut through the complexity and uncertainty, and create clear and optimized pathways to net zero emissions? 

Breakout track 1: Pathway to net zero

The science is clear – the planet is heating up too far and too fast. With the net zero transition gaining pace, companies must act now to accelerate their decarbonization journey. How can businesses create a climate action road map that encompasses their climate risks and opportunities, decisively drives their climate strategies and communicates their decarbonization performance?

Breakout track 2: Leveraging sustainable finance 

There is no road to a net zero economy without financial services. Other sectors will need support – such as insurance and funding – to manage the impact of physical risks, and more importantly to change their strategies, business models and operations to make the transition. Conversely, companies not making the transition will find it harder to gain funding and attract investments. Customers will also be affected, especially those in areas that are subject to the increasing effects of extreme weather.

Under the pressure to decarbonize, we look at how the financial sector is addressing the arduous task to juggle between developing a range of products to finance the transition to net zero and reducing their carbon footprint, which consists mainly of financed emissions.  

Breakout track 3: Developing sustainable supply chains 

As sustainability moves from expected to essential for businesses, companies need to figure out how to operate in this changed environment. They need to rethink how they design and manufacture their products and services, and deliver them to their customers. This means reframing their supply chains for resilience, agility and sustainability while collaborating with supply chain partners to achieve common sustainability goals.

Day 2 (6 July 2022)

Panel: Role of financial institutions in driving the decarbonization journey to net zero 

COP26 is the latest reminder of the scale and urgency of action that’s required to limit climate change to 1.5˚C. Financial institutions have a key role to play in the fight against climate change, and credible decarbonization plans are vital to delivering on their commitments. Many are setting increasingly ambitious targets to eliminate their own emissions, achieve net zero “financed emissions”, support the transition of existing clients, and fund new climate solutions. How can financial institutions turn carbon ambition into real-world action?

Breakout track 1:  Exploring opportunities in green finance

Sustainable financing is growing in prominence as sustainability issues continue to dominate the public and market conversation. Increased financial, social and environmental scrutiny that companies are coming under from their stakeholders is the driver to adopting environmental, social and governance (ESG) features in financing. Demand for green banking products is expected to increase rapidly in the coming years. How are banks exploring these opportunities in green finance and can corporates benefit from these? 

Breakout track 2: Building trust in responsible investment

ESG is fast becoming mainstream among financial market participants amid the push for greater ESG integration by regulators and investors and the wider appreciation for responsible investing globally. As demand continues to rise, how should asset managers respond and differentiate themselves to fully address the growing appetite for ESG? What should corporates take note of in these developments to better attract investment?

Breakout track 3: Advancing the net-zero strategy through innovation and risk management

Given the insurance industry's history on collaboration, there are reasons to be optimistic that the sector can make strides toward net zero with initiatives like the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, which includes 10 of the world's largest re/insurers. In this session, we discuss how insurers protect themselves from the risk of climate change with innovative products and lead the market into a greener future through their net-zero strategy. Corporates will be interested to hear why insurers care about their ESG strategy. 

Breakout track 4: Fueling the energy transition

Renewable generation presents significant growth opportunities for those who aim high and move fast. The renewables sector is garnering strong interest from financial investors, with Asia-Pacific and Europe emerging as the key hotspots. While energy companies’ foray into this space is still in early days, many have started exploring diversification pathways. How can they seize opportunities during the energy transition to achieve their ambitions in the renewable energy space?

Leadership dialogue: EY net zero journey

How can removing carbon add value to your organization? Join EY leaders as they take a deep dive into our net zero journey, and how we are helping clients with the same.

Speakers  and facilitators

  • Liew Nam Soon, EY Asean Regional Managing Partner
  • Simon Yeo, EY Asean Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader
  • Mathew Nelson, EY Oceania Chief Sustainability Officer
  • Praveen Tekchandani, Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young LLP
    Gilles Pascual, EY Asean Power & Utilities Leader
  • Atul Chandna, EY Asia-Pacific Supply Chain Leader
  • Alexandra Banks, Director, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Dex Chen, Senior Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Sonal Agarwal, Director, Strategy and Transactions, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
  • Sam Wong, EY Asean Markets Leader
  • Brian Thung, EY Asean Financial Services Leader
  • Aloysius Fua, Partner, Financial Services, Governance, Controls and Regulatory Assurance, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Arina Kok, Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn Bhd
  • Saurabh Dhingra, EY-Parthenon Asean Financial Services Strategy Leader
  • Wolfram Hedrich, Partner, Financial Services Consulting, Ernst & Young Advisory Pte. Ltd.
  • Jaslin Du, Assurance Partner, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Eric Jost, EY Asia-Pacific Power & Utilities Leader
  • Konstantinos Dimitriou, EY-Parthenon Associate Partner, Private Equity, EY Corporate Advisors Pte. Ltd.
  • Terence Jeyaretnam, EY Oceania Climate Change and Sustainability Services Partner
  • Tokuya Takizawa, EY Asia-Pacific Sustainability Leader

Guest panelists

  • Shane Egeland, Senior Director of Datacenter Program Management – APAC, Microsoft
  • Stanley Ng, President and COO, Philippine Airlines
  • Ng Lay San, Head of Carbon Management Solutions, Sembcorp Industries
  • Shahril Azuar Jimin, Chief Sustainability Officer, Maybank

This event is now over. Please contact the organizer to receive invites for future events.

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